Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

Thinking is what makes us who we are

Thinking is what makes us who we are

Thinking is#nbsp;what makes us#nbsp;who we#nbsp;are, but it#nbsp;also what makes us#nbsp;happy. Very strong sentence and a#nbsp;good food to#nbsp;think. Every time I#nbsp;read it, I#nbsp;come across different things.

One of#nbsp;the strongest thoughts is#nbsp;about nations and some understanding of#nbsp;why some of#nbsp;them prosper and others struggle#nbsp;— may the issue be#nbsp;in#nbsp;those few words? Or#nbsp;another thought about the companies and how they make business.

Not every new venture is#nbsp;successful, I#nbsp;need to#nbsp;look into the statistics, but my#nbsp;feeling is#nbsp;that the percentage of#nbsp;the new businesses which take off and fly well from the total number of#nbsp;companies created is#nbsp;really very small. Might it#nbsp;because their thinking is#nbsp;not what the world around them expects to#nbsp;see?

Thinking is#nbsp;the essence of#nbsp;our identity and can also bring us#nbsp;happiness. This profound statement provokes diverse reflections each time I#nbsp;encounter#nbsp;it. It#nbsp;leads me#nbsp;to#nbsp;contemplate the prosperity of#nbsp;nations and the challenges faced by#nbsp;others. Could the answer lie within those few words? Similarly, I#nbsp;ponder the success of#nbsp;companies. Though statistics may shed light on#nbsp;the low percentage of#nbsp;new ventures that thrive, I#nbsp;wonder if#nbsp;it#nbsp;stems from a#nbsp;misalignment between their thinking and societal expectations.

The power of#nbsp;thinking shapes our existence and profoundly influences our well-being. This thought-provoking statement not only captures our attention but also opens up#nbsp;a#nbsp;world of#nbsp;contemplation. It#nbsp;sparks inquiries about the dynamics of#nbsp;nations, their contrasting levels of#nbsp;prosperity, and the underlying factors that contribute to#nbsp;their struggles. Is#nbsp;it#nbsp;possible that the key to#nbsp;understanding lies within the intricacies of#nbsp;thought itself?

Delving deeper, we#nbsp;find ourselves examining the realm of#nbsp;business and entrepreneurship. A#nbsp;vast number of#nbsp;new ventures are launched each year, yet only a#nbsp;fraction achieve sustainable success. Could it#nbsp;be#nbsp;that the discrepancy lies in#nbsp;the mindset and thinking patterns of#nbsp;these aspiring entrepreneurs? Perhaps the gap between their internal vision and the expectations of#nbsp;the external world hinders their ability to#nbsp;flourish.

Exploring these questions reveals a#nbsp;profound connection between our thoughts, the world around us, and the outcomes we#nbsp;experience. It#nbsp;prompts us#nbsp;to#nbsp;delve into the realms of#nbsp;psychology, sociology, and even philosophy. Each time we#nbsp;encounter this statement, it#nbsp;serves as#nbsp;a#nbsp;catalyst for new perspectives and insights, encouraging us#nbsp;to#nbsp;continuously ponder the intricacies of#nbsp;thought and its impact on#nbsp;our individual and collective journeys.