Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

How to verify facts and distinguish truth from disinformation?

How to verify facts and distinguish truth from disinformation?

How to#nbsp;verify facts and find truth. In#nbsp;previous centuries, individuals like Issac Newton, Einstein, Tesla made a#nbsp;breakthroughs and new discoveries in#nbsp;science and engineering using their unique individual talents.

But nowadays, most likely we#nbsp;will find a#nbsp;group of#nbsp;scientists working on#nbsp;a#nbsp;research or#nbsp;a#nbsp;new technology, because it#nbsp;is#nbsp;not only speeds up#nbsp;the process of#nbsp;development, but also assists to#nbsp;obtain an#nbsp;acceptance of#nbsp;the results by#nbsp;more people at#nbsp;the same time nether than just publishing of#nbsp;the results in#nbsp;a#nbsp;scientific magazine.

A#nbsp;method, where consensus should be#nbsp;accepted among few people, has more pragmatic approach nether than studios conducted by#nbsp;a#nbsp;single individual during without any critics or#nbsp;input from outside world. Only Hollywood movies keep the"Eureka approach" with its dramatic moments of#nbsp;fantastic discoveries, the rest of#nbsp;the world has switched to#nbsp;work in groups.

The common acceptance of#nbsp;a#nbsp;theory will unlikely be#nbsp;controverted
There are a#nbsp;few other things in#nbsp;the scientific world which describe a#nbsp;scientific approach, but those are dedicated mostly to a scientific process, assuring that new discovery isn’t a#nbsp;fake.

  1. Publications in#nbsp;reputable scientific magazines, but not every magazine has a#nbsp;proper system of#nbsp;scientific validation.
  2. Specially accredited magazines use collegial assessment system which relay on#nbsp;experts opinions, verifying facts and methods used.
  3. The raw data and methodology published together with conclusions;
  4. You can find all the details to#nbsp;repeat the experiments.

The problem is#nbsp;that the scientist usually very busy with their own researches and have no#nbsp;time to#nbsp;go#nbsp;deep into the details reached by#nbsp;others. Basically, it#nbsp;happens only if#nbsp;the results are extremely important for their own research.

Our brain is#nbsp;very good at#nbsp;finding regularity#nbsp;— it#nbsp;is a#nbsp;basic characteristic of#nbsp;human intelligence

Our predecessors recognised the circle of#nbsp;seasons, which change one another in#nbsp;certain sequence as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;how stars appear and disappear in#nbsp;the night sky. Combine both regularities they calculated an#nbsp;optimal time for planting and hunting.

Millions years later an#nbsp;ability to#nbsp;recognise regularities helps some people to#nbsp;play chess much better than to#nbsp;others. Sport, math, art, music, engineering#nbsp;— regularities are everywhere, in#nbsp;every sphere of#nbsp;our life, and opportunity to#nbsp;recognise them quickly gives a#nbsp;fantastic advantage in#nbsp;problems solving.

When recognition of#nbsp;regularity happens naturally without our acknowledgment and we#nbsp;call it#nbsp;an#nbsp;intuition or#nbsp;instinct. Unfortunately, this ability frequently plays a#nbsp;bad game with us#nbsp;— That’s so#nbsp;simple to#nbsp;find regularities where they are not present. The gut feeling is#nbsp;like a#nbsp;gambling, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;statistically has very low success rate. When this feeling appears, ask yourself if#nbsp;there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;rational reason to#nbsp;follow this.