Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

Balancing Results and In-Person Presence: The Dynamic Approach to Modern Leadership

Striking the Right Balance: Leveraging Results and In-Person Presence in Modern Leadership

When considering a results-driven approach to leadership, it is important to recognize that there are circumstances in which leaders may still value having a person in the office and supervising their work. While the focus is on outcomes, certain situations may benefit from in-person presence and supervision.

Addressing poor or insufficient performance of an employee within a results-driven approach, leaders may consider several strategies to improve the situation. While remote work and flexibility are valued, there are instances where in-person supervision may be necessary.
In today's evolving work landscape, leaders are increasingly embracing a results-driven approach to leadership. While the primary focus is on achieving outcomes, it is essential to recognize that there are instances where leaders may still place value on having employees physically present in the office and directly supervising their work.

This nuanced perspective acknowledges that certain circumstances can benefit from in-person presence and supervision, even within a results-oriented framework. By understanding the context in which in-office work is advantageous, leaders can leverage the benefits of both remote collaboration and in-person interaction to drive performance, foster development, and create a thriving work environment.

Here's how leaders can handle such situations:

Performance evaluation and feedback: Conduct a thorough performance evaluation to identify specific areas where the employee is struggling. Offer constructive feedback that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) to help the employee understand expectations clearly. This evaluation provides a baseline for improvement.

In-person support and supervision: For employees who are experiencing performance issues, in-person support and supervision can be beneficial. Being physically present in the office allows leaders to provide real-time guidance, closely monitor progress, and offer immediate feedback. This hands-on approach helps address performance gaps more effectively.

Targeted training and development: Collaborate with the employee to create a development plan tailored to their specific needs. Identify training opportunities, coaching sessions, or mentoring relationships that can enhance their skills and address performance gaps. This targeted approach ensures the employee receives the necessary support to improve their performance.

Performance improvement plan (PIP): If performance issues persist despite feedback and development efforts, a formal performance improvement plan (PIP) can be implemented. A PIP outlines specific performance goals, expectations, and a timeline for improvement. Regular check-ins and additional support are provided to assist the employee in meeting the outlined objectives.

Reassignment or role adjustment: In cases where it becomes evident that the employee is consistently unable to meet expectations, despite support and intervention, it may be necessary to consider reassigning them to a different role or adjusting their responsibilities. This should be done after careful assessment of their skills and potential fit within other areas of the organization.

Performance-related consequences: In instances where all attempts to improve performance have been unsuccessful and the employee continues to fall short, performance-related consequences may need to be implemented. This could involve disciplinary actions, such as warnings, probation, or, as a last resort, termination of employment. These consequences are designed to maintain accountability and uphold performance standards within the organization.

Complex or critical projects: In projects that are highly complex, time-sensitive, or critical to the organization's success, having the person working in the office allows for immediate access to resources, collaboration with team members, and quicker decision-making. It enables leaders to closely monitor progress, address any challenges promptly, and ensure that the project stays on track.

New employees or skill development: When onboarding new employees or supporting their skill development, in-person supervision can provide valuable guidance and mentoring. Being physically present allows leaders to offer real-time feedback, observe their progress, and provide hands-on training. This direct interaction facilitates faster learning, enhances skill acquisition, and helps new employees integrate into the team more effectively.

Complex problem-solving and innovation: Certain problem-solving tasks or creative endeavors can benefit from face-to-face collaboration and brainstorming sessions. In-person interactions foster spontaneous idea generation, facilitate a free flow of thoughts, and promote deeper exploration of solutions. Leaders can encourage innovation by creating an environment where team members can collaborate and bounce ideas off each other, leading to more effective problem-solving and innovation.

Organizational culture and values: In-person presence can help reinforce the organization's culture and values. By being physically present, employees can experience firsthand the organizational environment, observe how their leaders embody the values, and engage in cultural activities or rituals. This physical connection to the workplace can foster a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization's mission.

While remote work and flexibility have their advantages, leaders must address poor performance effectively. In-person supervision and support can provide immediate guidance and facilitate more targeted development opportunities. By combining a results-driven approach with focused intervention, leaders can help struggling employees improve their performance and contribute to the overall success of the organization.
Culture Leadership