Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

What problem your business solves and how did you notice it?

What problem your business solves and how did you notice it?

It#nbsp;is a#nbsp;common sense that the best companies are solving some problem, not just having an#nbsp;idea of#nbsp;what to#nbsp;do. How did they find out that there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;problem they solve? Was it#nbsp;a#nbsp;personal problem or#nbsp;they got an#nbsp;insight?

We#nbsp;all read about how the best businesses come from solving a#nbsp;problem, not having an#nbsp;idea. So I’m curious to#nbsp;know how you noticed the problem you’re solving. Personal problem? Industry insight? Right place right time? and then once you identified the problem, what is#nbsp;the first step to#nbsp;take for solving it?

It#nbsp;is a#nbsp;good question. I#nbsp;think the answer is#nbsp;quite simple from one hand and pretty difficult from another. Every company’s business is#nbsp;about helping its customers with something in#nbsp;the best way possible. In#nbsp;this case every company solves customer’s problem offering their product or#nbsp;their service. Once you have an#nbsp;idea in#nbsp;mind, this idea should be#nbsp;valuable for your potential customers and most likely the value comes from solving a#nbsp;problem. You know, even Tik Tok solving a#nbsp;problem of#nbsp;people who want to#nbsp;entretain and have time for it, so#nbsp;they give them nice short videos which you can stop watching at#nbsp;any moment.

I#nbsp;also want to#nbsp;look into a#nbsp;more complex answer, but there is#nbsp;nothing very new as#nbsp;well#nbsp;— if#nbsp;you got an#nbsp;idea, you need to#nbsp;find out if#nbsp;it#nbsp;is a#nbsp;valuable idea, so#nbsp;you need to#nbsp;build a#nbsp;product or#nbsp;at#nbsp;least something similar which provides a#nbsp;similar value to#nbsp;a#nbsp;customer (let's remember Pareto rule here, 20% of#nbsp;all the efforts give 80% of#nbsp;the results). That’s what people used to#nbsp;call MVP (Minimum Valuable Product). However, there are a#nbsp;few larger corporations which struggled when they were small, like Google which couldn’t find money for a#nbsp;long time, but it#nbsp;was a#nbsp;long time ago…
Leadership Ideas