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Micromanagement: Is Autonomy at Work a Distant Dream for Most Managers?

"Employees Autonomy" has become a recurring theme in conferences, business journalism, and management discussions. It emphasizes the need of granting teams the freedom to operate within established strategies and processes. However, this narrative overlooks several crucial aspects that deserve attention.

Firstly, it's essential to acknowledge that many managers struggle with micromanagement tendencies and lack the trust necessary to grant true autonomy to their teams. This undermines the potential benefits of empowering employees.

While the stated goal of autonomy is for managers to focus on the bigger picture, the truth is that some managers find comfort in being deeply involved in day-to-day tasks. They prefer the familiarity and control it offers, rather than dealing with the broader organizational perspective.

Theoretically, autonomy relies on employees having clarity regarding priorities, processes, and overall strategy. However, in reality, many employees lack this clarity, which hampers their ability to exercise autonomy effectively.

Furthermore, the concept of autonomy inherently implies a reduction in managerial control, which triggers fear among many managers. This fear, often witnessed in debates surrounding remote work, stifles the adoption of autonomy-driven practices.

Additionally, being perceived as busy and burnt out has unfortunately become a badge of honor in many organizations. Managers fear sacrificing this perception as it may lead to a perceived loss of relevance to the executive team. Consequently, they overcommit themselves to various projects, inadvertently neglecting personal and family well-being for the sake of maintaining multiple income streams.

It is vital to recognize and address these hidden dynamics surrounding autonomy, fostering a more nuanced understanding of its implementation and the obstacles managers face in embracing it fully.

Autonomy, although an appealing concept, often clashes with other prevailing themes in the workplace. Command and control, hierarchy, pleasing those at the top, religious adherence to process, and busyness above all are prominent aspects that challenge the feasibility of autonomy. In many workplaces, these realities overshadow the idealized vision of autonomy, making it disconnected from the day-to-day experiences of employees.

To bridge this gap, a practical approach can be adopted. Firstly, organizations should focus on hiring individuals specifically for the roles they genuinely need. This targeted approach ensures that the right talent is in place from the start.

Next, providing individuals with clear, tangible tasks and responsibilities allows them to demonstrate their capabilities based on predetermined metrics. Those who excel in their assigned tasks can be rewarded with increased responsibility and autonomy.

On the other hand, if individuals struggle to perform, coaching or implementing performance improvement plans may be necessary. If they continue to underperform, parting ways through termination becomes a viable option.

Success in new roles should be a prerequisite for granting individuals additional autonomy and responsibility. By repeating this iterative process, organizations can cultivate a culture of growth and achievement.

One of the challenges in modern work lies in the limited perspectives of executives who predominantly engage with their immediate subordinates and top sales representatives. As a result, their understanding of the organization's inner workings remains limited. Moreover, the subjective nature of assessing job performance, particularly in areas like HR and marketing, creates a cycle of bias and subjective evaluation, lacking objective metrics for gauging success.

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive evaluation of organizational structures, metrics, and feedback mechanisms. By striving for transparency, objective measurement, and a holistic understanding of different roles, organizations can bridge the gap between the desired autonomy and the realities of the workplace.

Contrary to the prevailing narrative, many managers are not actively pursuing autonomy for their teams. In fact, they find solace in micro-managing and maintaining a tight grip on every aspect of their subordinates' work. This behavior stems from a sense of control and the illusion that they are more effective when they are involved in every detail. Unfortunately, managers who prioritize their personal lives alongside work are the ones who can genuinely offer autonomy, but they are a minority.