Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

My Key Thoughts of the Book "Who not How"

In our pursuit of achieving goals, we often focus on figuring out how to accomplish them by ourselves. However, this mindset can lead to overwhelming responsibility and hinder our progress. In the book "Who Not How," authors Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy propose a shift in perspective. They argue that instead of asking how to achieve our goals, we should ask who can help us. By delegating tasks and focusing on our unique abilities, we can free up energy to excel in our areas of expertise. This approach is illustrated through examples like Michael Jordan's need for teammates and Richie Norton's reliance on his father's support. The key message is that finding the right people, or "Whos," can broaden our vision, expand our efficacy, and lead to greater success.

Develop the skill of delegating tasks efficiently to maximize your focus on your unique abilities
- Learn to delegate effectively to optimize your time and energy.
- Shift your focus from asking "How can I achieve it?" to "Who can help me achieve it?"
- Look for capable individuals who can take over tasks that don't require your personal involvement.
- By delegating tasks, you free up energy to focus on areas where you excel, such as business vision, strategy, or personal goals.
- Prioritize your unique abilities and invest your time and efforts in activities that align with your strengths.
- Delegation allows you to maximize your potential and achieve greater success by leveraging the skills and expertise of others.

Partner with "Whos" to delegate tasks and maximize your concentration on your unique abilities for success
- Michael Jordan's early years with the Chicago Bulls were marked by individual success but limited team achievements.
- Jordan realized that he needed support from capable teammates who could complement his skills and contribute to the team's success.
- The first "Who" to join Jordan was Scottie Pippen, who helped improve both Jordan's individual game and the team dynamic.
- Despite this addition, the Bulls still struggled to make it to the finals until Phil Jackson became the head coach.
- Jackson introduced the triangle offense and emphasized teamwork, leading to the Bulls winning six championships between 1991 and 1998.
- The Bulls' success showcases the power of enlisting the right people, or "Whos," to leverage their unique abilities and achieve common goals.
- The story of Michael Jordan and the Bulls prompts us to consider who can support us in accomplishing our own objectives.

Rely on the capabilities of "Whos" to expand your effectiveness and elevate your performance
- Richie Norton's father provided him with a unique idea to sell misshapen watermelons, expanding his vision and efficacy.
- The Self-Expansion Model suggests that your efficacy is influenced by the context and support you have.
- Close relationships and finding the right Whos can provide resources and perspectives that enhance your potential for success.
- Involving others in your goals can require an investment of time and money but also strengthens your commitment to achieving them.
- Consider goals you're pursuing alone and evaluate whether involving a Who could provide additional perspective and support.
- Broadening your vision and expanding your efficacy through the involvement of others can lead to more successful outcomes.

Procrastination: A Silent Destroyer of Confidence and Well-being, Yet a Potential Source of Wisdom
- Procrastination can have negative effects on confidence and well-being, but it can also indicate a worthy goal or ambition.
- The habit of procrastination limits imagination and self-perception, leading to a belief that big goals are unachievable.
- To overcome procrastination, take direct action and identify the Who who can help you accomplish your goal.
- Use the Impact Filter worksheet to clarify your motivation, purpose, desired impact, and expected results of the project.
- By being specific about your needs and goals, you can find the right Whos who are equipped to assist you effectively.

When you have the freedom to manage your time, you also gain the freedom to increase your financial resources
- Understanding the relationship between time and money is crucial for financial success.
- Dean Jackson hired someone to handle tasks, freeing up his time to focus on income-generating activities.
- By delegating driving responsibilities to a hired driver, attorney Jacob Monty utilized commute time for important work, leading to increased revenue.
- Delegating tasks to a capable person, known as a Who, allows you to maximize productivity and focus on high-value activities.
- While investing in a Who may incur upfront costs, the long-term benefits can result in financial gains and increased efficiency.

Forward-thinking leaders emphasize outcomes and are flexible in their approach to achieving them
- Transformational leaders prioritize achieving results over micromanaging processes.
- Trying to do everything alone can lead to burnout and hinder performance.
- Leaders should clarify their vision and understand the impact they want Whos to have.
- Delegating tasks and hiring capable staff can free up time and improve personal well-being.
- Transformational leaders invest in and support their employees while also prioritizing their own well-being.
- Commitment and support from leaders inspire employees to reach higher levels of commitment.
- Promoting creativity and autonomy in the team fosters independent thinking and encourages commitment.

The power of creating value in relationships: transforming them from transactional to transformational
- Creating value in relationships is essential for transformational connections.
- Avoid approaching relationships with a transactional mindset of "What's in it for me?"
- Instead, focus on how you can provide value and help others achieve their goals.
- By offering value and helping others, you gain access to more people who are eager to support you.
- Joe Polish's mastermind groups emphasize providing value to others in networking.
- Polish demonstrated his value to Richard Branson, which led to a lasting collaboration and fundraising partnership.
- Gratitude is crucial in maintaining transformational relationships.
- Express sincere gratitude to those who help you and acknowledge their impact.
- A humble and grateful attitude attracts more Whos and maintains good relationships.

Engaging in collaborative efforts broadens the horizons of your purpose and opens up new possibilities for growth and impact
- Collaboration is often undervalued due to the mindset that seeking help is seen as cheating.
- This mindset persists from childhood and limits our freedom of purpose and ability to develop relationships.
- Embracing collaborative relationships expands our freedom of purpose and allows us to have a broader impact.
- Karen Nance's desire to write a biography on her grandmother turned into a daunting and never-ending project.
- When she discovered that another biographer was working on her grandmother's story, she initially saw it as competition.
- After adopting the Who Not How mentality, Nance proposed collaborating with the other biographer, Dr. Ethelene Whitmire.
- Their collaboration allowed Nance to provide unique biographical details while leveraging Whitmire's academic expertise.
- This collaboration resulted in a more comprehensive biography that neither could have achieved alone.
- Nance could now focus on other goals, such as her human rights nonprofit, thanks to the power of collaboration.

In "Who Not How," Sullivan and Hardy advocate for a shift in mindset when pursuing our goals. Instead of shouldering the burden alone and focusing on how to accomplish tasks, they encourage us to seek out the right people who can help us, or Whos. By delegating tasks and focusing on our unique abilities, we can broaden our vision, expand our efficacy, and achieve greater success. The book reminds us that even exceptional individuals like Michael Jordan needed teammates, and that seeking support is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of wisdom. Through examples and psychological principles, the authors demonstrate the power of leveraging the strengths of others and building transformational relationships. By embracing the Who Not How philosophy, we can unlock our full potential and achieve remarkable results.