
Leaders who promote constructive change and build relationships

Leaders who promote constructive change and build relationships

To be a leader implies fostering and promoting constructive transformation. It's crucial to keep in mind that leaders are not appointed to preserve the current state of affairs. Change is an inevitable force that comes in various forms, such as market rivals, regulatory alterations, board demands, financial growth aspirations, organizational and structural reorganization, global pandemics, and the like.

While some changes may be beyond your authority, you can still influence and impact your team and people by maintaining positive relationships.
Investing in and cultivating your interpersonal relationships, mentoring, and communication skills can significantly affect both your performance and that of your team and company. Since all relationships are mutually created and interactive, your interactions and sentiments towards your team members will impact your problem-solving approach, performance, and the attitude and morale of your colleagues.

Leaders must establish a baseline level of transparency that aligns with the culture of the workplace and team, determining which developments will be disclosed and at what stage of the process. For instance, if your company aims to promote pay equality, will you reveal salary ranges immediately or wait until the policy is implemented? It may not always be feasible to provide constant updates and disclosures to all team members due to time constraints. However, a good practice is to communicate what you consider essential, acknowledge what is being confirmed and may require input from others, and commit to keeping your team promptly informed through a consistent, empathetic, and professional communication style.

Certain leaders may have a tendency towards self-effacement, keeping themselves reserved and not divulging personal information or opinions, feelings, and thoughts. For such leaders, it may be crucial to make a conscious effort to share a few personal anecdotes and tidbits to establish a more robust social bond between themselves and their team.

Other leaders may struggle with oversharing and difficulty regulating which opinions or emotions to express to their team. For such leaders, prioritizing listening, understanding, and selectively curating their internal states could improve their work relationships and interactions. Asking questions is an effective way to invite others to share their insights and opinions, expanding your social knowledge and context of the team. Gaining a multilayered understanding of your teammates, their challenges, and successes will help you become a better leader. Additionally, taking a pause between the input of a stimulus, such as good or bad news, external pressures, and changes, and your reaction output can be beneficial.
Leadership Culture