Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

All leaders are project manages, right?

All leaders are project manages

It#nbsp;is#nbsp;very usual that project managers are not taking into account employees productivity, while estimating time for the tasks accomplishment#nbsp;— basically, they forget to#nbsp;count annual leaves, sick leaves, holidays and overall people productivity must not be#nbsp;100% in#nbsp;any case.

In#nbsp;order to#nbsp;get proper estimation of#nbsp;number of#nbsp;hours for each task a#nbsp;project manager must get into the details and have experience working with similar tasks, so#nbsp;she/he should have an#nbsp;idea of#nbsp;what must be#nbsp;done to#nbsp;accomplish this task.

if#nbsp;you’re in#nbsp;engineering project with lots of#nbsp;tasks related to#nbsp;creating a#nbsp;new things and lots of#nbsp;requirements to#nbsp;be#nbsp;met#nbsp;— like math calculations, CAD design, customer requests, legal obligations… it#nbsp;should be#nbsp;all counted#nbsp;in. In#nbsp;my#nbsp;experience I’ve seen so#nbsp;many projects where the stages and milestones have nothing to#nbsp;do#nbsp;with the real life and an#nbsp;obvious reason is#nbsp;in project manager who didn’t spend enough time with people to#nbsp;understand complexity and risks.

Every member’s risk is#nbsp;a#nbsp;team’s risk, therefore it#nbsp;is a#nbsp;project risk.

Fails in#nbsp;technology are not real reasons in#nbsp;majority of#nbsp;failed projects. It#nbsp;becomes evident that most of#nbsp;them even hadno technological problems at#nbsp;all and crucial reasons are sociological, meaning that the problem is#nbsp;in#nbsp;the teams who worked on#nbsp;those projects.

What is#nbsp;surprising that most leaders do#nbsp;not work on#nbsp;the project management aspects and do#nbsp;not address such issues at#nbsp;all. The reason is#nbsp;their incorrect understanding of#nbsp;their own role in#nbsp;the business. We#nbsp;are, as#nbsp;the leaders, even working in a#nbsp;technology, in#nbsp;human communication business and our success is#nbsp;derived from positive and fruitful human communications and if#nbsp;we#nbsp;don’t understand this as#nbsp;a#nbsp;central aspect of#nbsp;our every day job, most likely we#nbsp;work inefficiently and our people are unhappy, which stress quality of#nbsp;work. To#nbsp;have a#nbsp;success we#nbsp;must focus on#nbsp;our people, not on#nbsp;the technology or#nbsp;management.

Every leader must know that the major project problems are not technological, but sociological in#nbsp;nature and every aspect of#nbsp;our work and life is#nbsp;actually a#nbsp;project with many stages.