Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

Building Better Teams: How UnitiQ Tackles the Five Common Dysfunctions

Five Dysfunctional Pitfalls That Can Derail Any Team - and How UnitiQ Can Help Overcome Them

"We’re on the Titanic, Fighting Over Lifeboats”

Throughout my journey with UnitiQ, where we specialize in providing high-caliber HR Directors, Recruiters, and Talent Acquisition specialists on a flexible basis, I’ve seen one truth repeated across all industries: a team is only as strong as its internal culture. A brilliant strategy can be rendered useless if the team lacks cohesion, trust, or a shared sense of purpose. It’s not just about having the right people—it’s about creating the right environment for them to work together effectively. Drawing from both Patrick Lencioni’s *Five Dysfunctions of a Team* and our direct experience at UnitiQ, here are practical steps that can help any team overcome these common pitfalls.

Dysfunction #1: Lack of Trust

In my experience, one of the most significant issues that hinder team performance is the absence of trust. When people are unsure of their standing or fear being judged, they tend to withdraw. This often manifests as team members hiding behind their roles, avoiding accountability, and staying silent about mistakes or concerns. This type of behavior stifles open communication and prevents real connections within the team, leaving challenges unaddressed and eroding the team’s potential.

How UnitiQ Can Help:
Building trust is foundational to every successful team. At UnitiQ, we’ve developed unique methods to help teams foster genuine trust through shared experiences and honest communication:

  • Deep Dive Connection Sessions: We organize special sessions that go beyond typical icebreakers, allowing team members to share stories, motivations, and values that shape who they are. These discussions foster deeper connections and break down professional walls, creating a sense of unity that extends beyond job titles.

  • Impact and Contribution Analysis: Instead of standard performance reviews, we work with teams to map out each person’s contributions to the collective mission. This process helps highlight strengths, identify areas where support is needed, and encourages an open dialogue about growth opportunities—all aimed at creating a culture where team members feel valued and understood.

Team Dynamics Workshops: By using behavioral insights and profiling tools, like Myers-Briggs and Belbin, we help teams understand the diverse working styles and motivations that each member brings to the table. This not only improves collaboration but also builds empathy, as members learn how to leverage each other’s strengths effectively.

Role of the Leader: Trust starts at the top. I always advise leaders to set the tone by being open and transparent. A leader’s willingness to share their own challenges and admit mistakes sets a powerful example. At UnitiQ, we work with leaders to help them foster an environment where honest feedback is not just tolerated but encouraged, making it easier for the whole team to follow suit.

Dysfunction #2: Avoidance of Conflict

One of the most damaging habits I’ve observed in teams is the avoidance of conflict. When teams avoid tough conversations, they often settle for surface-level agreements, leaving critical issues unresolved. This leads to passive-aggressive behavior, unspoken grievances, and a lack of genuine engagement—all of which can slowly poison a team’s dynamics.

How UnitiQ Can Help:
Conflict, when managed constructively, is essential for growth. At UnitiQ, we’ve developed a structured approach to help teams see conflict as a positive force:

  • Reframing Conflict Sessions: We coach teams to reframe conflict as a discussion about ideas, not as personal confrontations. Our guided discussions help bring buried disagreements to the forefront in a respectful and structured way, turning potential points of friction into opportunities for innovation.

  • Facilitated Dialogue: Our experts step in as neutral moderators during critical meetings, guiding the conversation to ensure it remains focused on solving issues rather than attacking individuals. This helps create a safe space where everyone feels heard and valued.

Role of the Leader:
Leaders often feel the need to keep the peace, but shielding the team from conflict only leads to more significant issues later. At UnitiQ, we train leaders to embrace conflict as a healthy aspect of team dynamics. By demonstrating calm and constructive behavior during disputes, leaders can transform conflict from a threat into a valuable tool for improvement.

Dysfunction #3: Lack of Commitment

A common challenge I’ve seen is a lack of commitment that stems from unclear decision-making processes. When team members feel disconnected from decisions or unsure about their roles in execution, they hesitate to fully engage. This often results in half-hearted efforts and a reluctance to take ownership, which can stall progress and breed frustration.

How UnitiQ Can Help:
Commitment comes from clarity, ownership, and understanding. At UnitiQ, we work with teams to streamline their decision-making processes, ensuring that every voice is heard and every decision has a clear path forward:

  • Action-Oriented Debriefs: After every meeting, we help teams summarize key takeaways, outline specific actions, assign responsibilities, and set deadlines. This clarity ensures that meetings are not just discussions but lead to concrete outcomes that the whole team commits to.

  • Risk-Decision Workshops: To overcome the fear of making the wrong choice, our HR Directors facilitate workshops that help teams assess potential risks and build confidence in their decision-making. By focusing on adaptability rather than perfection, teams can commit to a course of action without feeling paralyzed by uncertainty.

Role of the Leader:
Leaders set the tone for commitment. We coach leaders to make decisions decisively and communicate them clearly, ensuring that the team feels empowered to act without second-guessing. UnitiQ helps leaders cultivate a sense of urgency and purpose that drives the team toward shared goals.

Dysfunction #4: Avoidance of Accountability

Avoiding accountability is a subtle yet pervasive issue I’ve noticed in many teams. People shy away from holding each other responsible because they fear damaging relationships or being perceived as confrontational. This reluctance can lead to missed deadlines, subpar performance, and a general tolerance of mediocrity.

How UnitiQ Can Help:
Accountability is about supporting each other to meet high standards, not about blame. At UnitiQ, we help teams build a culture of accountability through transparent and supportive practices:

  • Feedback Cycles: We establish consistent feedback loops where performance is discussed openly and constructively. Our HR experts provide guidance on how to deliver feedback that is honest but also supportive, helping to build trust rather than erode it.

  • Defining Success Together: We work alongside companies to set clear, mutually agreed-upon goals, quality standards, and behavioral expectations. This alignment helps everyone understand what success looks like and reinforces the importance of holding each other accountable to those standards.

  • Team-Focused Incentives: At UnitiQ, we design reward systems that prioritize team achievements over individual ones. By celebrating collective success, we encourage a sense of shared responsibility and collaboration.

Role of the Leader:
Leaders must model accountability, not just enforce it. We guide leaders to empower their teams to self-regulate and step in only when necessary. By sharing responsibility across the team, leaders help create an environment where accountability is seen as a shared value rather than a top-down directive.

Dysfunction #5: Inattention to Results

When individual goals overshadow the team’s objectives, the whole organization suffers. I’ve seen this issue manifest when departments work in silos, resources are hoarded, and team members are more focused on their own success than on the collective outcome. This disconnect erodes overall performance and makes it difficult for the team to achieve its potential.

How UnitiQ Can Help:
Aligning everyone towards shared outcomes is crucial. At UnitiQ, we focus on creating a unified vision / shared understanding:

  • Goal Alignment Workshops: We facilitate workshops where we define common goals that align with the company’s broader objectives. We help teams see beyond their immediate tasks and understand how their work contributes to overall success.

  • Transparent Metrics: We assist in developing transparent systems where team results are clearly tracked and communicated. This visibility helps keep everyone focused on collective achievements rather than individual gains.

  • Recognition Programs: Our HR consultants design recognition programs that reward team-oriented behavior, ensuring that those who drive team success are celebrated.

Role of the Leader:
Leaders must reward contributions that support the team’s goals, not just individual wins. At UnitiQ, we coach leaders to recognize and promote behaviors that align with the company’s mission and values.

Final Thoughts

As the founder of UnitiQ, I’ve learned that teams are the heart of any organization. The dysfunctions Lencioni outlines aren’t just theories—they’re real challenges I’ve seen and helped teams overcome. At UnitiQ, our mission is to provide companies with the HR expertise they need, exactly when they need it. Whether it’s facilitating difficult conversations, setting up accountability systems, or guiding leaders on building trust, we’re here to support teams in reaching their full potential.

The bottom line is that building a high-performing team is a journey. It requires courage, commitment, and the willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. But with the right support and a clear focus on shared success, every team can overcome these dysfunctions and achieve greatness together. If you’re ready to tackle these challenges, UnitiQ is here to help you make that transformation. Let’s build a team that’s not just working together, but thriving together.

On-Demand HR Expertise: How UnitiQ’s Fractional Professionals Drive Immediate Impact

At UnitiQ, I’ve seen how transformative it can be to bring in fractional HR Directors, Recruiters, and Talent Acquisition specialists exactly when you need them, whether for a month or a year. This flexible model lets you tap into top-notch HR expertise tailored to your immediate needs without the long-term commitment. I’ve worked with companies that needed quick, impactful changes - like revamping their hiring process, boosting team performance, or navigating complex talent challenges. Our professionals dive in, understand your unique environment, and deliver results fast. It’s about giving your business the agility to grow and adapt, with the right HR expertise at just the right time.

I’m excited to help you attract the right talent and develop a people strategy tailored to your team’s unique needs. Feel free to ask any questions, and don't hesitate to book a call!

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Talent Acquisition Culture Leadership