Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

HR Branding: The Key to Attracting Talent and Building Long-Term Loyalty

Power, Control, and Recognition: How to Identify Candidates' Emotional Needs to Prevent Employee Turnover

When job seekers are searching for new opportunities, they are faced with a multitude of choices. Your company might be the most attractive option—but the decision-making process doesn’t stop at the point of hiring. Employees continually reassess whether to stay with you or transition to a competitor. What factors drive these choices, and how can your company build a lasting reputation as a top employer? In this article, we’ll break down the emotional needs that influence these decisions and explore how your company can address them.
We are UnitiQ, experts in Recruting, Company Culture and Employer Branding, to help teams express their values and strengthen internal communication. UnitiQ's CEO, Olga Fedoseeva, shared insights on how to create an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that attracts and retains the right employees using the Censydiam model. Originally from marketing, this model helps HR departments identify and categorize candidates' and employees' emotional needs. By dividing people into groups based on motivations and needs, companies can align their branding and work environment to better satisfy those they wish to attract and keep.

The Censydiam Model: Understanding Employee Motivations

The Censydiam model maps human motivations along two axes: social (individuality vs. collectivism) and hedonic (control vs. pleasure). By understanding where an employee or candidate falls along these axes, you can align your value proposition more effectively with their emotional needs.

Power and Status

Employees in this segment are driven by recognition, leadership, and respect. They value decision-making authority, the ability to influence others, and holding a significant role within the organization.

🖐 Values: Prestige, authority, influence.

Example: At *EY Global (Ernst & Young)*, employees are motivated by the opportunity to make a tangible impact on global businesses. EY emphasizes leadership growth and autonomy in solving complex global challenges. Career advancement is structured with status-driven milestones at each stage, giving employees clear opportunities to gain influence.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Focus on creating fast-tracked career paths, emphasize leadership development, and ensure employees have decision-making autonomy at all levels.

Vitality and Independence

People in this category prioritize freedom, creativity, and personal challenges. They seek independence and are energized by solving complex, creative problems.

🖐 Values: Independence, creativity, freedom of action.

Example: Netflix builds its employer brand around innovation and personal expression. The company offers employees flexible work environments, freedom in decision-making, and encourages non-traditional thinking. By positioning itself as an industry leader, Netflix attracts those who want to be part of a cutting-edge, dynamic culture.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Highlight flexible schedules, non-traditional projects, and the freedom to innovate. Give employees autonomy in decision-making and project execution.

Pleasure and Enjoyment

This segment includes employees who seek joy and positive emotions in their work. They value a balance between work and life that allows them to experience fun and enjoyment.

🖐 Values: Joy, fun, enjoyment.

Example: Avtosales positions itself as a modern and informal employer. The company’s EVP focuses on flexibility, minimal bureaucracy, and a laid-back atmosphere. This resonates with employees who value a fun, relaxed work culture.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Promote a friendly, flexible work culture that emphasizes fun. Integrate creative HR practices like unique corporate events, and use a lighthearted tone in internal communications.

Unity and Belonging

Employees in this segment value teamwork and social connections. They are motivated by being part of a community or team that shares similar values and goals.

🖐 Values: Social bonds, support, communication.

Example: IKEA emphasizes its corporate culture based on respect, support, and collaboration. This attracts individuals who prioritize teamwork and value a supportive environment.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Organize team-building activities, foster a supportive corporate culture, and emphasize teamwork and collaboration in your branding.

Belonging and Community

Unlike the vitality segment, which focuses on individual challenges, employees in this group seek to contribute to shared, significant goals alongside their peers. They thrive on the feeling of being part of something bigger than themselves.

🖐 Values: Social connections, contributing to global or important missions, the value of individual contributions to the collective.

Example: Biocad’s EVP emphasizes the opportunity for employees to contribute to groundbreaking research and the development of life-saving medicines. This attracts individuals who want to solve critical challenges and improve the world.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Highlight your company’s mission and communicate how employees contribute to larger goals. Offer opportunities to participate in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and volunteer programs. Encourage a culture of collaboration and shared purpose.

Calm and Security

These employees seek stability, predictability, and security in their work environment. They are motivated by a sense of protection from uncertainty.

🖐 Values: Safety, stability, clarity.

Example: Correos attracts individuals who value job stability and the significance of their work within a large, government-backed organization. Their focus on security and predictability resonates with employees who desire a steady, reliable income.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Offer long-term contracts, comprehensive social benefit programs, and a stable, comfortable work environment. Highlight pension programs and healthcare benefits, as well as flexible work locations.

Control and Structure

Individuals in this segment thrive in structured environments where they can control outcomes. They seek clear processes, organization, and predictability.

🖐 Values: Order, control, predictability.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Provide well-structured career paths, detailed job descriptions, and emphasize clear processes and organizational stability. Ensure transparency in company policies and career advancement opportunities.

Recognition and Achievement

Employees motivated by recognition seek acknowledgment for their contributions, both within the company and externally. They want to be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments.

🖐 Values: Recognition, personal ambition, acknowledgment.

Example: A-Leasing emphasizes growth opportunities within its ecosystem and publicly recognizes employee achievements. Employees are offered training and career development, ensuring that they feel their efforts are noticed and appreciated.

💡 HR Branding Tips: Develop transparent recognition programs, ensure fair compensation for achievements, and publicly acknowledge successes. Use gamification or rewards systems to further motivate and engage employees.

Detailed Infographic of The Censydiam Model

Conclusion and Thoughts

Incorporating emotional needs into HR branding strategies is crucial in today’s competitive talent market. The Censydiam model provides an excellent framework for understanding the diverse motivations that drive employee satisfaction and retention. Each segment—whether it emphasizes power, belonging, control, or recognition—addresses fundamental human needs that often go unacknowledged in traditional HR practices. Leverage insights from Effective Employer Branding: Leveraging Social Media and Online Platforms.

What makes the Censydiam model particularly valuable is its ability to tap into core emotional desires, allowing companies to tailor their EVPs more effectively. By aligning your company’s culture and policies with these emotional drivers, you can create a workplace that not only attracts top talent but also retains them for the long term. Recognizing and responding to these needs will foster a deeper connection between employees and their work, creating a more engaged, loyal, and motivated workforce.

This approach ensures that your company is not just a stepping stone in an employee’s career, but a place where they feel truly valued and invested. As employee expectations evolve, understanding and addressing these emotional needs will be key to reducing turnover and creating a more resilient workforce.

UnitiQ: Elevating HR Branding to Attract and Retain Top Talent

UnitiQ specializes in Fractional HR Solutions that go beyond the basics of hiring and onboarding. One of the key areas where they excel is HR branding, an essential strategy for attracting talent and building long-term loyalty.

By using models like the Censydiam, which originated in marketing, UnitiQ helps companies understand and address the emotional needs of both candidates and existing employees. This model categorizes people based on motivations—like the desire for recognition, autonomy, or a sense of belonging - allowing companies to tailor their Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to meet these needs.

With UnitiQ’s guidance, businesses can create a compelling brand that resonates deeply with potential hires, leading to lower turnover and a more engaged, satisfied workforce.

By aligning HR practices with the emotional drivers that matter most to employees, UnitiQ positions companies as employers of choice, fostering loyalty and commitment for the long haul.

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Olga Fedoseeva, Founder and CEO at UnitiQ