Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

Performance Evaluation Beyond Managers Personal Assessment

If in your company, you currently have no regular performance reviews scheduled, such as every one or three months. Instead, employee evaluations are solely reliant on managers' assessments, which can be prone to bias or inaccuracies. This approach raises concerns about fairness and accuracy in evaluating employees' performance. What strategies can we implement to address this issue and ensure a more effective and equitable evaluation process?

When performance reviews are infrequent or long-term (like once in 6 months) or solely dependent on managers' evaluations, there are still ways to address potential issues and ensure a fair evaluation process. Here are a few suggestions to handle this situation:

1. Establish clear performance criteria: Define specific and measurable goals and expectations for each role within the company. This provides employees with a transparent framework for understanding what is expected of them. Basically, what should be done, how, and what is the expectation? The result must be measurable.

Role: Sales person
Objective: Increase monthly sales revenue by 10% within the next quarter.

1. Conduct thorough market research to identify potential clients and target markets.
2. Develop a personalized sales strategy for each target market, focusing on product benefits and competitive advantages.
3. Engage in proactive outreach by making a minimum of 50 cold calls per day to potential leads.
4. Schedule at least 10 client meetings or product demonstrations per week.
5. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all sales activities in the CRM system.
6. Collaborate with the marketing team to align messaging and promotional efforts.
7. Attend relevant industry events and networking opportunities to expand the customer base.

1. Achieve or exceed the monthly sales revenue target of $100,000.
2. Maintain a conversion rate of at least 20% from leads to closed deals.
3. Provide regular updates on sales pipeline and progress during weekly team meetings.
4. Consistently demonstrate product knowledge and effectively communicate value propositions to clients.
5. Actively seek customer feedback and address any concerns or issues promptly.
6. Collaborate with colleagues to share best practices and contribute to a positive team environment.
7. Continuously improve sales skills through ongoing training and professional development opportunities.

Measurable Result: At the end of the quarter, the sales representative should have generated a minimum of $330,000 in sales revenue, with a conversion rate of 20% or higher, as tracked and verified in the CRM system.

2. Encourage ongoing feedback: Encourage regular communication between managers and employees throughout the quoter/half-a-year / year. This can take the form of one-on-one meetings, project check-ins, or informal feedback sessions. By promoting continuous feedback, employees can receive guidance and make necessary improvements in a timely manner. In my point of view, this one is not always clear. There are situations where the feedback might be based on wrong assumptions or on unrealistic visions.

In this scenario, a supplier expects a Purchase Order to be delivered within a specific timeline outlined in the initial offer. The manager repeatedly insists that the employee adhere to the same timeline, despite it being impossible. However, the employee takes it upon themselves to resolve the issue independently and manages to obtain an updated, more realistic timeline. Unfortunately, instead of acknowledging the employee's efforts to find a solution, the manager imposes punishment or even considers terminating the employee. This example highlights the importance of establishing realistic expectations, fostering effective communication, and providing clear guidance to avoid such situations.

3. Peer feedback and self-assessment: Implement a system where employees can provide feedback to their peers and perform self-assessments. This helps gather additional perspectives and provides a holistic view of an employee's performance.
Peer Feedback: If you run projects within your company, it is important that employees have the opportunity to provide feedback to their peers on a regular basis. They can assess their colleagues' performance, highlighting strengths, and areas for improvement, and offering constructive suggestions. This feedback is collected through a confidential and anonymous feedback tool to encourage open and honest communication.
Self-Assessment: Alongside peer feedback, employees are encouraged to conduct self-assessments. This involves reflecting on their own performance, identifying strengths, recognizing achievements, and pinpointing areas where they can enhance their skills or knowledge.

4. 360-degree feedback: Introduce a 360-degree feedback process, which involves gathering feedback from multiple sources, including managers, peers, subordinates, and even external stakeholders. This provides a comprehensive and well-rounded evaluation of an employee's performance.

5. Training and development opportunities: Offer training and development programs to help employees enhance their skills and knowledge. This allows them to grow professionally and contribute more effectively to the company's success.

6. Regular check-ins with managers: Even in the absence of formal performance reviews, managers should schedule regular check-ins with their direct reports to discuss progress, provide guidance, and address any concerns.

Remember, the key is to establish a culture of open communication, continuous feedback, and transparent expectations to mitigate the potential drawbacks of infrequent performance reviews.
