Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

The Power of Hybrid Work: What are the Pros and Cons?

The Power of Hybrid Work: What are the Pros and Cons?

In the past, the standard practice was to have everything conducted in person. However, in today's world, the shift towards remote / hybrid work is primarily driven by practical reasons. Advancements in technology, such as video-conferencing tools and task-board software, have enabled us to have nearly all the functionalities of an office while on the go.
Benefits and Challengies of Remote and Hybrid Work
Despite the numerous benefits, there are still lingering concerns and reservations regarding remote work and managing remote teams. Some employees worry about reduced benefits and job security, while some employers struggle with trusting their employees when they can't physically see them.

In their article for Harvard Business Review, Robert Hooijberg and Michael D. Watkins highlighted four crucial aspects that are challenging to replicate in a virtual environment. These include collaboration, which builds strong relationships and fosters trust; innovation, which thrives when people brainstorm together in person; acculturation, which transforms a group of strangers into a cohesive team working towards a common goal; and dedication, which stems from a shared sense of purpose and a feeling of belonging to a community. Neglecting these elements, as exemplified by the former Twitter CEO, can hinder innovation and lead to financial losses for companies.

One of the most challenging things in On-Site jobs is no one daydreams about enduring a frustrating rush-hour commute or the stress of taking an entire day off work for a service appointment with an uncertain time slot. Nor do we envision being forced to choose between living in our desired city or relocating to a dull and isolating place just for employment opportunities.

Stanford University founds out that Working remotely full-time presents challenges that can impact creativity, inspiration, motivation, and employee loyalty. Three key reasons why full-time remote work can be problematic include the difficulty of fostering creativity from a distance, the potential lack of inspiration and motivation in a home environment, and the strain on employee loyalty due to limited social interaction.

While some individuals may genuinely enjoy the bustling atmosphere of a traditional office, most people discover that the benefits of remote work greatly enhance both their professional and personal lives.

Implementing a flexible remote or hybrid work options can yield long-term loyalty from employees and lead to reduced costs for the organization.

Now, let's imagine you're a manager, and one of your team members expresses their interest in working remotely for two days a week. How would you initially react? Would you question their dedication, assuming that everyone else is content with coming into the office daily?

Offering a flexible remote / hybrid work option can result in long-term loyalty from employees and reduced costs for the organization.

Some managers worry that if they can't physically see their employees diligently working at their desks, it implies that they might not be working at all. These concerns amplify when considering that remote employees are unsupervised at home, beyond the watchful eye of management. So, how can both employers and employees establish a productive and trustworthy work relationship when working remotely?

It's important to strike a balance and focus on outcome-oriented evaluation methods that foster trust, autonomy, and accountability. By setting clear expectations and objectives, and regularly communicating and assessing progress based on results, both employers and employees can build a mutually beneficial remote work relationship.

Another approach is to shift the mindset of your company from one focused on time to one centered around results. By emphasizing collaborative efforts based on attainable and tangible goals, regardless of when they are accomplished, you can monitor progress in real-time, prioritize tasks, and delegate responsibilities accordingly. This approach promotes trust and transparency, not only between managers and employees but also among colleagues.

By adopting a results-oriented approach, the focus shifts to the outcomes achieved rather than the hours spent working. This allows for a more efficient and effective work environment, where productivity is measured by accomplishments rather than mere presence.

However, addressing poor or insufficient performance of an employee within a results-driven approach, leaders may consider several strategies to improve the situation. While remote work and flexibility are valued, there are instances where in-person supervision may be necessary.

When working remotely, it is crucial to prioritize focus and maintain clear communication with your team.

Author: Olga Fedoseeva

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UnitiQ: Helping Organizations Navigate the Challenges and Benefits of Hybrid Work

At UnitiQ, we understand the complexities that come with implementing and managing hybrid work models. As more companies shift towards flexible work environments, our HR services are designed to help businesses strike the right balance between in-office and remote work.

We offer expert guidance on fostering trust, accountability, and productivity within hybrid teams. From crafting outcome-based evaluation methods to maintaining team cohesion, UnitiQ supports organizations in creating a hybrid work culture that promotes employee satisfaction and drives long-term success.

Contact me, Olga Fedoseeva, Fonder at UnitiQ, directly:
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