Talent Acquisition and People Strategy: Insights&Advise

Imaging you're about to lead army into a battle

Imaging you're about to lead army into a battle

There are a#nbsp;two advisers available for you right now. Someone who is#nbsp;never seen a#nbsp;battlefield ever before, but smart and brave or#nbsp;an#nbsp;experienced veteran? Or#nbsp;someone proven to#nbsp;be#nbsp;loyal or#nbsp;someone suspected in#nbsp;cheating?

I#nbsp;wouldn’t say there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;unique single answer to#nbsp;this question. Most likely we#nbsp;will not follow the one who suspected in cheating, but the experienced veteran might have an#nbsp;interesting effect of#nbsp;knowing everything he#nbsp;knows. What does it mean? It#nbsp;means that a#nbsp;flow and information creates in#nbsp;our minds a#nbsp;system of#nbsp;views like a#nbsp;water flow creates a#nbsp;channel, which occasionally might become so#nbsp;deep, nothing else is#nbsp;feasible anymore. There is#nbsp;a#nbsp;good book "Wilful Blindness"where you can read about a#nbsp;common phenomenon of#nbsp;how humans so#nbsp;often fail to#nbsp;see what is#nbsp;right in#nbsp;front of#nbsp;them and how to#nbsp;find the truth.

This is#nbsp;exactly what I’m saying about the experts, in#nbsp;our fast changing world any person can be#nbsp;wrong about something which has been absolute true just recently and to#nbsp;catch the waive we#nbsp;must extensively learn and have a#nbsp;few different opinions, so#nbsp;we#nbsp;can compare them and distinguish facts from disinformation. This is#nbsp;a#nbsp;great example of#nbsp;when I#nbsp;try to collect a#nbsp;few different opinions and analyse the facts following by#nbsp;a#nbsp;scientific method.

Another idea, just popped up#nbsp;in#nbsp;my mind, that two personalities I#nbsp;described in#nbsp;the first sentence can be#nbsp;compared with a start up#nbsp;and a#nbsp;large corporation. People in#nbsp;start up#nbsp;are smart and brave, a#nbsp;group of#nbsp;people who wants to#nbsp;change the world and people in#nbsp;a#nbsp;corporation who are knowledgable in#nbsp;their area and they always know what to#nbsp;do#nbsp;and how within the limits of#nbsp;their knowledge.

However, are people in#nbsp;large corporations not smart or#nbsp;not brave? I#nbsp;think they are, but not many of#nbsp;those corporations found a#nbsp;way how to#nbsp;manage processes more efficiently. Last week, I#nbsp;spoke with people from one of#nbsp;our supplier, their relatively small organisation was bought by#nbsp;a#nbsp;corporation and they are passing through a#nbsp;three month integration process, where their job duties and their titles are changing. There was so#nbsp;much pain and frustration about it#nbsp;in#nbsp;their words. I#nbsp;think it makes them very unhappy.

Another good example might be#nbsp;an#nbsp;approval process, for example, a#nbsp;new laptop for an#nbsp;employee. If#nbsp;a#nbsp;chain of#nbsp;approval is more than 2 people, it#nbsp;makes not only an#nbsp;employee unhappy, it#nbsp;makes company spend more resources on#nbsp;internalprocess rather than on#nbsp;effective work with their product or#nbsp;with customers.

So, getting back to#nbsp;an#nbsp;army and a#nbsp;battle#nbsp;— soldiers have the same or#nbsp;even higher importance than generals because their every minute efforts moving things forward, but leadership role is#nbsp;clear#nbsp;— they must give clear directions, listen to employees ideas and consider them in#nbsp;decision-making.

Another important point is#nbsp;trying to#nbsp;avoid politics and different tribes inside the business. That gives lots of#nbsp;damage when people fight each other inside organisation for resources, power or#nbsp;what ever it#nbsp;is.