
A good reason why startups fail

People is the most common reason why startups fail. We need to assemble the right team

To have your hiring needs met, define them first. This is absolute truth and I want to investigate the details. For technical positions, 100% of the companies rely on testing. Some people do tests better, some of them do not, it is natural. Shortlisting candidates in this way, looks obvious and right, but it might happen you pick a very good, but just average candidates.
We grew up from one of the largest tech Unicorns in the UK - where we actively participated in company exponential growth from 0 to 1 to Nasdaq to the Global Business and have a good view on how to attract and maintain not only best of the best, but right people for the job with right personality and personal approach during those stages.

For finding a top talent we go much deeper into the personality and micro fit. The reason is that no one is ideal, we are all different and learn things differently, we have different abilities to understand things and solve complex tasks. If one spent a few years in training for accomplishing ABC, it doesn’t make him/her an ideal candidate automatically, even if all the skills you are seeking for are met, we do not stop there.

People always work with people (we might miss these times in future :)). Most of the project issues are not technological, but psychological, troubles of clear communication and ability to work together or I forgot problem.

Picking specific skills is important, verify them too, but to be able to find out more about the person, his/her ability to learn, ability to adapt, to find similarities in the candidate’s behavior with hiring manager leadership principles, in our point of view, is a key element of the successful hire.

However, in our work, we have seen examples of hiring based on a nice personality with a general professional skills correlation, which in most of the cases

led the department and even a whole start-up having issues.

We do have a large base of verified candidates and world is moving fast, but we always rely on checking all the factors – skills, personality, psychological profile and fit to the specific team, tactical and strategical goals of the company (on the start up stage you may need one set of skills, on the operational – different one). We know that without them it is difficult to build a highly efficient team for company’s exponential growth.

What is the difference between defining your hiring needs a creating open positions in your department?

Defining your hiring needs is the process of determining the specific skills, qualifications, experience, and personality traits that a candidate should possess to successfully perform a particular job or fill a particular role in your organization. This involves analyzing the job requirements, assessing the current team's strengths and weaknesses, and identifying the gaps that need to be filled to achieve your business objectives.

Creating open positions in your department, on the other hand, is the process of formally creating a job vacancy, outlining its responsibilities, and advertising it to attract potential candidates. This is typically done after you have defined your hiring needs and identified the gaps in your team that need to be filled.

In other words, defining your hiring needs is a crucial step in the recruitment process that comes before creating open positions. It helps you to identify the specific requirements for a particular job or role in your organization, while creating open positions is the next step of actually announcing and seeking candidates for the specific roles.

How to determine specific skills which I need?

Determining the specific skills you need for a particular job or role in your organization requires careful analysis and consideration of various factors. Here are some steps you can take to identify the specific skills you need:

1. Define the job requirements: Start by analyzing the job and defining its specific requirements. This may include technical skills, industry-specific knowledge, soft skills, and any other qualifications necessary for the job.

2. Consult with current employees: Talk to current employees who are already performing similar roles and ask them about the skills they use on a daily basis to perform their job effectively.

3. Identify skill gaps: Determine the gaps in your team's skills and qualifications that need to be filled to achieve your business objectives. This may involve assessing the skills and qualifications of your current employees and identifying areas where you need to hire additional staff.

4. Research industry standards: Research industry standards and trends to identify the skills that are in high demand in your industry. This will help you to ensure that you are hiring candidates with the skills that are most relevant to your organization.

5. Review job descriptions: Review job descriptions of similar roles in other organizations to get an idea of the skills that are typically required for that type of role.

6. Use skills assessment tools: Consider using skills assessment tools such as online tests or evaluations to determine the specific skills and qualifications of potential candidates.

By following these steps, you can identify the specific skills that are necessary for a particular job or role in your organization, and ensure that you hire candidates with the skills and qualifications that best fit your business objectives.
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